February 16, 2025
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

What is SuperBrain Yoga? How to do, Benefits and Tips

SuperBrain yoga has been around for a while, but interest in it has recently got revived. The concept has been improved on and made more accessible to suit today’s fast-paced world.

It’s said to be beneficial for those who experience brain fog. This form of yoga has also been known to improve memory and creativity, and speed up decision-making ability.

SuperBrain Yoga is a series of steps that move energy through the body and brain. The process starts in the lower chakras and moves upward to the forehead and crown chakra, where it becomes more subtle. That can improve brain function.

What is SuperBrain Yoga?

Superbrain Yoga is a type of yoga in which you stimulate specific acupressure points in the earlobes.

That sends electrical signals to the brain and stimulates it, creating a sharper and calmer mind that performs better in school, work or anything that involves learning, retention, and recall.

How to Practice SuperBrain Yoga?

SuperBrain Yoga is a simple technique that combines breathing with acupressure to restore balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

It’s quick to learn and can be practiced anywhere. All it takes is a few minutes per day, but you will need to remove any watches, jewelry, or other accessories before you begin.

How to do it?

  • Stand with your back to the sun, if possible.
  • Put your tongue behind your front teeth and make a ‘la’ sound.
  • Keep your tongue in that position while you do the activity.
  • Reach across your body with one hand, and grab the earlobe on the right side.
  • Hold on to it with your thumb and forefinger, keeping your thumb in front of your fingers.
  • Move your left hand across your upper body, and grab the other earlobe.
  • Gently press both lobes of the left ear with the fingers of the right hand.
  • Keep your thumb in front of your forefinger.
  • Check to make sure you’ve tucked your left arm close to your chest, and you’re squatting down with both feet flat on the ground.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose; hold for a couple seconds, and stand up again.
  • Repeat 15-21 times. Check your position often, and continue holding your earlobes throughout the exercise. Make sure the tongue touches the roof of your mouth.


A study found that superbrain yoga can help improve working memory and attentional control. With regular practice, it’s thought to encourage improvements in thinking, memory, performance, and brain functionality. Here’s how it works:

1) Increases Focus

Yoga for the brain can help you focus for longer periods. A short yoga session can cause an increase in alpha brainwaves. These waves are associated with calm alertness, which helps you access more memory and recall information.

2) Lowers Stress

Stress relief is one of the best things a person can experience, especially when it comes to relaxing, getting a good night’s sleep, and focusing on what they’re doing.

3) Eases Depression

Superbrain yoga can help relieve depression and other mental health conditions, like mood swings, ADHD, OCD, and more.

4) Improves Creativity

If your child enjoys drawing, painting, or any activity that requires creative thinking, SuperBrain yoga can improve their ability to think creatively. They will pick up new skills more quickly and need to put in less effort to get more things done.

5) Improves Cognitive Brain Function

We often develop a pattern of using one side of the brain more than the other. Over time, that can lead to a less-than-optimal use of each side of our brain. SuperBrain yoga helps us become more balanced in how we use both sides of the brain to maintain optimum brain function.

How SuperBrain Yoga can make a difference to your brain?

SuperBrain Yoga helps you access the alpha brainwave state, which has been proven to improve cognitive function. When you’re in an alpha state, you’re more alert and relaxed than when your mind is racing.

When both sides of the brain function together, we become more creative, get better at problem solving and can recall information more easily. That’s also when we experience increased brainpower and make great strides in our ability to create music, art, or poetry.


SuperBrain Yoga can improve brain function. However, because of the limited number of studies performed, more research is needed to arrive at a definitive conclusion.

Furthermore, the benefits are expressed in many ways by various people. In other words, not everyone will experience the same benefits from this yoga practice.

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