July 27, 2024
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Urgent workout advice for anyone who has an office job

Expert personal trainers have explained what you need to do before you lift weights

A personal trainer says people who work in offices should use specific stretching techniques before lifting weights to prevent injuries. Using resistance bands to open the chest and shoulders is especially beneficial for those working in an office setting according to experts from strength building brand PRIMAL.

“These exercises help counteract the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting, alleviate tension, and act as a proactive measure to prevent injuries before engaging in weightlifting,” explained fitness and strength expert Julia Stewart, from PRIMAL. “The moves will promote flexibility, mobility, and proper muscle activation, thereby enhancing overall well-being and optimal physical performance.”

People who tend to remain stationary for most of the day, can be particularly susceptible to poor form due to extended periods of sitting and hunching over a desk or computer, resulting in bad posture and tightness in the chest and shoulders.

“Continuous computer work can lead to stiffness and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. However, incorporating resistance band stretches into a routine can effectively alleviate tension in these areas,” added Julia. “By stretching and opening the chest and shoulders, you reduce the likelihood of chronic discomfort associated with muscle tightness caused by office-related activities.”

Extensively using stretch bands and other warm up tools, not only activates muscles but also increases blood flow. “Resistance bands provide consistent resistance throughout the entire range of motion, waking up the muscles and increasing blood flow to targeted areas,” added Julia.

“This not only prepares your muscles for subsequent weightlifting but also promotes a mind-muscle connection, enhancing overall workout effectiveness,” emphasised Julia.

Other tools you should consider in your workout armoury include foam rollers and peanut massage balls. “A foam roller is beneficial after lifting weights because it helps release muscle tension, improves flexibility, and increases blood flow,” said Julia.

“Rolling on muscles, particularly areas prone to tightness, will enhance mobility, promoting better performance overall and reducing the risk of injury. Whereas a peanut massage ball targets specific muscle knots, releases tension, and enhances flexibility,” added Julia.

“It helps improve range of motion and prepares muscles for optimal performance.”

Four movements you can perform with a resistance band to open the chest and shoulders before working out

Band Pull-Aparts:

Hold the resistance band in front of you with both hands, arms extended.

Keeping your arms straight, pull the band apart horizontally, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Return to the starting position and repeat.

Band Chest Opener:

Secure the resistance band at chest height.

Stand with one foot forward and grasp the band with one hand.

Rotate away from the anchor point, stretching the chest.

Hold for a moment, then return to the starting position. Switch sides and repeat.

Band Overhead Stretch:

Hold the band with a wide grip overhead.

Slowly lower it behind your head, feeling a stretch in your chest and shoulders.

Hold the stretch for a moment and then raise the band back to the starting position.

Band Shoulder Stretch:

Anchor the resistance band at waist height.

Hold one end of the band with your hand, arm extended, and step away from the anchor point.

Rotate your body away from the anchor, feeling a stretch across the front of your shoulder.

Hold the stretch and then switch sides.

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