May 18, 2024
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Tips for Yoga Beginners: 5 Important Yoga Tips for Beginning Yogis

Yoga can be challenging for beginners. Here are some important tips to ease into yoga practice.

Yoga has the power to change your life. From glowing skin, weight loss to improved mental health, yoga has several health benefits. However, beginners get intimidated by it as they find it too difficult and challenging. It may look like folding your body into some unimaginable shape. Sometimes, you do not understand the Sanskrit words used during yoga practice. You will have an endless list of problems when you are a beginner. You need to overcome the fear and doubts to gain the many benefits of yoga. Here are some important tips to help you ease into the practice of yoga.

1. Take notes

It is difficult to remember the names of the asanas, so it is advisable to write them down with their respective meanings. This will help you to remember as well as understand the pose. Keep a journal with you and take notes when you start practicing yoga. Write down the detail of the pose you want to remember along with the questions you would like to ask your instructor.

2. Join a beginners class before you start practicing it at home

It will be helpful to join a beginner’s class and learn yoga under a qualified yoga instructor. This will help you to learn the correct way to do the asanas. You also become comfortable with the names of the asanas. You will be less likely to quit the practice midway you will be practicing yoga with other beginners. This will keep you motivated.

3. Select a calm space in your home for your yoga practice

It is important to select a space that will allow you to do all the stretching and bending freely. It should preferably be a calm, peaceful corner of your home. Keep your yoga related products like the mat, cushions and bricks in the designated space and make it special.

4. Invest in a good quality mat

You will be using mat during the entire period of your yoga practice so, invest in a good quality mat. There are different types of mats available in the market. Some are used for regular yoga, some for hot yoga and others for regular exercises. Since, you need firm footing during yoga practice, make sure your yoga mat sticks to the floor firmly.

5. Try to relax

You will not be able to perform all the asanas and it is okay. You will get there with practice but till then, try to relax while you do your daily yoga. Pay attention to your breathing and meditate regularly during your yoga practice. This will help you to stay focused and improve your physical and mental strength.

It may seem difficult in the beginning but you will start seeing the difference soon. You will improve with regular practice. So, spread your mat and start with the easy poses.

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