September 14, 2024
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Simple yoga asanas you can do at home

“The key to an effective yoga practice lies not in the number of hours you devote, but how consistently you choose to do it,” said Divya Rolla, yoga and meditation lead

In the last couple of years, ‘work from home’ has become a way of life. But, despite offering a great amount of flexibility, working from home has many of us lacking the motivation to move, exercise, and take care of our bodies.

However, thanks to yoga, that unlike many other forms of exercise, requires only two things — your body and a little place — many people have gained mental and physical health benefits. “Yoga as an exercise can be moulded to suit any age and form of physical ability in humans,” said Divya Rolla, yoga and meditation lead, Cult.Fit, who suggested some simple tips for those looking to practice yoga at home.

*Invest in a good yoga mat. While you can practice on a carpet, a mat changes your experience of yoga infinitely.
*Set a realistic goal for yourself and a timeline to which you can commit.
*Understand your goals and motivation and practice in accordance with that.
*Finally, finding a buddy or a partner to do yoga with you will help the both of you to stick to your plan.

What type of yoga asanas can you do at home

“Below is my go-to basic yoga exercise list, which takes half an hour. This helps stretch my whole body, gets my heart racing and also helps me work up with sweat,” shared Rolla.

You can start yoga by warming with

*Shoulder and neck rotations
*Cat and cow posture
*A dynamic version of Ashwasanchalana

“The whole sequence takes about four minutes. You should do as many repetitions as possible to start feeling the blood flow through the body,” she explained.

*Then, do the Surya Namaskar for a minimum of 3 to 4 rounds, if you are looking for a basic warm up. Finally, you shall start the asana practice and do a mix of asanas which ensures that you address all movements of the spine.

*Hold each position for 10 counts.

*This will take 10 mins to complete, with slow mindful breathing.

Check out some asanas below

1. Padangustasana and Padahastasana
2. Trikonasana
3. Virabhadrasana 2
4. Vrikshasana
5. Bhujangasana dynamic – 3 times
6. Salabasana
7. Ustrasana
8. Janusirsasana
9. Ardha matyendrasana
10. Sarvangasana
11. Savasana

After completing the asanas, ensure to lie down in savasana for at least two to three minutes. With this, in half an hour, you complete a well-rounded asana practice.

“The key to performing the right yoga is not the quantity or number of hours you devote to yoga, but how consistently you choose to get on to your mat daily, even if it is a matter of 10-15 minutes,” said Rolla.

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