May 19, 2024
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Immunity boosting yoga asanas for a disease-free winter

Winter yoga asanas to prevent illness​

Winter’s around the corner, and you must be looking for ways to boost your immunity to help keep illness at bay. While yoga alone cannot guarantee immunity or prevent diseases, it can contribute to overall health and well-being, including supporting the immune system. Here are some yoga asanas (postures) that may help enhance immunity and promote general health during the winter season:

​​Immunity building yoga poses​

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa explains, “You can also practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). This is a sequence of poses that enhances overall well-being, including immune function:

Tadasana (Mountain Pose): Stand tall, arms at your sides, and breathe deeply. Strengthens your body and improves circulation.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): Get on your hands and feet, forming an inverted V. Boosts immunity by enhancing blood flow.

Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose): Assume a warrior stance, alternating legs. Strengthens muscles and stimulates the immune system.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose): Kneel and arch backward, reaching for your heels. Opens up the chest, promoting respiratory health.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): Lie on your back, lift your hips. Strengthens the spine and rejuvenates the immune system.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Lie down, lift your chest using your back muscles. Aids in respiratory health and energizes the body. Remember, consistency is key. These simple poses can make a difference in building resilience against winter ailments

Winter-friendly yoga asanas​

Saurabh Bothra, Certified Yoga Expert at Habuild explains; Winter is here, and staying healthy during this season is on everyone’s mind. We need to prepare for the challenges it brings – think dry skin, brittle bones, and the threat of colds and coughs. It’s no secret that we tend to get sick more easily when it’s cold outside.

Yoga to bolster immunity​

To keep our health in check, we need to give our immune system a little boost. That’s where yoga comes to the rescue. By adding yoga to our daily routine, we can be better prepared for the winter challenges. Here are some yoga poses that can give our immune system a nice nudge. Include these yoga poses: Surya Namaskar, Adho Mukha Shvanasana, Bhujangasana, Anjaneyasana, Tadasana, and Paschimottanasana.

​​Follow breathing exercises​

The way you breathe during these yoga poses can play a significant role in boosting your immunity. Breathing exercises, such as Pranayama, are not just good for your lungs; they are incredibly important for maintaining overall good health, especially during the chilly months of winter. Pranayama with a focus on conscious and controlled breathing, helps oxygenate your body, calms your mind, and recharges our immune system.

​More tips to follow to prevent winter illnesses​

That’s not all. Alongside your yoga routine, make sure to get plenty of sleep. Quality sleep supports your body’s restorative processes, allowing your immune system to function optimally. They help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins and provide an energy source that keeps you warm and active. Don’t forget to include healthy fats in your diet, and consider exploring abhyanga, a self-massage technique with oil from Ayurveda, to keep your body well-nourished.

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