September 20, 2024
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Having difficulty in meditating? Here are some tips for beginners you must know

Meditation helps you become more peaceful and also improves your concentration. If you are just starting out, here are some tips for beginners you must follow.

Meditation helps in relieving the symptoms of stress and anxiety. It also relaxes your mind and has a positive impact on your health. However, beginners often complain that they cannot meditate properly. You might be in one of those situations where you have tried to meditate but you are unable to do so. Meditation has a number of benefits for your body. It increases your concentration, helps you become peaceful and makes you focussed. It improves your mindfulness as well. It has a calming effect on your mind. Here are some tips which you need to keep in mind while meditating.

Some meditation tips for beginners

1. Choose a suitable timing: You can try meditating according to your own convenience. Choose a time when you will be free from any work or distractions. Also, you can meditate during sunrise or sunset as these timings are considered ideal for the practice.

2. Choose your place: While meditating, make sure you are free from any noise else you will find it difficult to focus. Choose a quiet place where you will be free from any distractions and this can make your meditation more relaxing and enjoyable.

3. Sit in right posture: Sitting in the right posture is important as it makes a lot of difference. Sit straight with your spine erect and your chin up. Also, make sure your eyes are closed and you feel relaxed and comfortable in that position.

4. Empty stomach: It is advisable to practice meditation before having a meal. Chances are that you may doze off if you meditate after having a meal. Also, if you are too hungry, avoid staying hungry and practice meditation two hours after your meal.

5. Warm-ups: Warm-up is necessary before meditation. It not only improves your circulation but also removes restlessness. It makes you feel more active and you will be able to meditate for a longer period.

6. Deep breath: Taking a deep breath before meditation is good for your health. Try taking a deep breath before you practice it and also keep a gentle smile on your face. It will help you stay relaxed and provides pace.

7. Open your eyes slowly: Don’t be in a hurry to open your eyes after you complete meditation. Open your eyes slowly after the practice.

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