May 7, 2024
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Are you an overthinker? Find these best meditation tips for better concentration

Are you an overthinker whose mind runs miles in a minute? Overthinking leads to worries and unnecessary stress that cause a lot of health issues. Do read on to know to meditate to keep the unnecessary concerns away.

Some people worry a lot, constantly thinking of scenarios that might happen. The disturbance and niggling cause a lot of stress that leads to panic attacks and anxiety issues.

Mental health professionals have attributed overthinking as one of the major reasons people go through mental struggles. Mostly, experts recommend meditating, but for restless people, it hardly helps them find mental calm.

Here are a few expert-backed tips you can use to meditate in a quiet and blissful state, get over those overactive thoughts and feel rejuvenated and happy.

  • Create an exclusive space: While it is difficult to achieve the meditative state of bliss, sitting in a noisy area will further be of no use. As the physical environment matters a lot, make sure to create an exclusive meditative space for yourself. Even if it is not a big area a designated chair or a lit candle with a calming scent will help create a peaceful spot in your head.
  • Begin with breathwork: Controlled breathwork is very important to get a still mind. Mediation practices are generally based on breathing and hence it is very important to do some exercises to control it.
  • Normalise wandering thoughts: Experts believe that if you are struggling with a lot of thoughts in your mind while trying to meditate, it is normal practice. While racy thoughts will always be there, you need to work gradually towards blocking them.
  • Add music to meditation: Music can make anything better. For meditation, the best way to achieve peaceful bliss is to add some soothing music. Experts believe that ideal music is something that you can associate with and helps you focus. You can experiment with different genres till you can find the right one that helps concentrate.
  • Meditate in a group for better concentration: Many experts opine that even though meditation is a personal act, collective energy can help amplify the experience. “Collective energy is a powerful thing, and there’s no doubt meditating with a partner or in a class can amplify your experience,” Candice Fairoth, breathwork, and meditation instructor told Healthline.

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