July 27, 2024
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6 Kundalini Yoga Poses That Help Ease Stress

The origin of the Kundalini yoga pose is unknown, but its concept has been around for centuries. Kundalini yoga poses emphasize activating the energy that remains at the base of your spine. These yoga poses focus on enabling that energy to move upwards and through the chakras of your body.

Kundalini yoga poses help in balancing the seven energy centers or chakras in your body, which eventually lead to spiritual wellness. We have created a list of the six best Kundalini yoga poses that can be incorporated in your lifestyle and will help ease stress.

Best Kundalini Yoga Poses That Help to Ease Stress

1. Archer Pose

Archer poses are the best Kundalini yoga poses that will not only help you ease stress but also make you more confident and enhance your self-perception.

Here’s how to do this yoga pose:

  • Begin in a straight standing position with both your legs together before rotating your left foot to the outside at about forty-five degrees.
  • Straighten the same leg before bending your right knee while making sure that it does not cross your right foot.
  • Straighten your arms to your shoulder height before pointing your thumbs upward and curling your palms into fists.
  • Next, twist your upper body towards the right side while bending your left elbow to bring your left fist closer to the armpit.
  • Keep your gaze forward and breathe deeply. Swap sides and repeat.

2. Lotus Pose

Lotus poses are basic Kundalini yoga poses, which help ease stress by opening up your hip region and alleviating tightness from the area.

Here’s how to do this yoga pose:

  • Begin this yoga pose in a seated position on the ground with your legs straightened and your spine in a neutral.
  • Next, bend your knees outward while bringing both your feet closer to your body to sit in a cross-legged position.
  • Position your right foot over the top of your left thigh.
  • Next, position your left foot over the top of your right thigh.
  • Breathe deeply in this pose for a while.

3. Shoulder Twist

This yoga pose will help in easing stress from your body by releasing tension from your posterior chain along with opening up your chest.

Here’s how to do this yoga pose:

  • Begin in a straight seated position on the ground before gently pressing your right fingertips on your right shoulder and doing the same for your left hand.
  • With your shoulders and elbows in one line, rotate towards one side while chanting “sat” before rotating to the opposite side while chanting “nam”. Repeat.

4. Breath of Fire

This is also one of the best Kundalini yoga poses that help reduce stress by detoxifying the body along with gently stretching your body.

Here’s how to do this yoga pose:

  • Start this yoga pose in a straight seated position before taking a deep breath and pushing your stomach outward with gentle force.
  • Breathe out and drive your stomach towards your spine while exhaling with gentle force.
  • Repeat.

5. Alternate Nostril Breathing

This is a simple yoga pose that will help you relieve stress from the body and calm your mind.

Here’s how to do this yoga pose:

  • Begin in a cross-legged seated position on the ground before positioning your left thumb over your left nostrils.
  • Breathe deep with your right nostril before positioning your left pinky finger on your right nostril to completely block it.
  • Hold on before releasing your left nostril and breathing out smoothly. Repeat.

6. Cobra Pose

Cobra poses are also the best Kundalini yoga poses that will ease lower back pain and help you activate your energy.

Here’s how to do this yoga pose:

  • Begin by lying down on the ground on your stomach with both your legs together and palms pressing onto the ground just under your shoulders.
  • Elevate your torso and head off the ground while pressing your lower body against the ground.
  • Lift your belly and chest along with straightening your hands with your shoulders rolled back.
  • Hold before gently releasing.

Bottom Line

In the aforementioned Kundalini yoga poses, greater emphasis is placed on spiritual practice rather than physical movement. These Asanas are more precise and tend to provide a multitude of advantages including easing stress from the body, relieving tension, alleviating tightness, improving energy levels across the body, and more.

These Kundalini yoga poses will effectively help you relax your mind and body. They will also help in improving cognitive function as well as boosting self-perception.

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