May 18, 2024
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

6 Benefits of Performing Surya Namaskar in Morning

Surya Namaskar, a popular Yoga practice brings multiple health benefits. Apart from keeping your body flexible, if done right, Surya Namasakar is a simple exercise for a total mental and physical work out. Check out the 6 amazing health benefits of performing Surya Namaskar in the morning.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, is a popular yoga practice that involves a series of postures performed in a particular order. It involves 12 poses that include stretching the body while keeping the breathing in check. Like any Yoga asana, Surya Namaskar is also done in a specific manner and targets different parts of the body. Yoga gurus call Surya Namaska the one asana that promises complete physical as well as mental well being.

Surya Namaskar poses are exercised in a smooth flow with each pose followed by the next. The practice starts and ends with a standing posture, with other forward bends and backbends positions. However, some variations can include extended poses or modifications which take longer time to perform. Here are the 6 amazing benefits of Surya Namaskar that you probably did not know.

Here are some benefits that performing Surya Namaskar has on our body:

  1. Increases flexibility: Surya Namaskar is performed in forward and backward bending postures that help to lengthen the muscles, escalating flexibility and overall range of motion.
  2. Boosts blood circulation: The particular order of Surya Namaskar leads into better blood circulation in the entire body, thus boosting overall wellbeing.
  3. Helps in weight loss: Surya Namaskar is a tremendously effective practice to burn calories and lose weight as it comes with dynamic movements activating the muscles and boosting metabolism.
  4. Reduces stress and anxiety: Surya Namaskar can also ensure a calm mind along with reduced stress and anxiety levels. Deep and slow breathing is said to have an effect of relaxation.
  5. Improves digestion: Surya Namaskar can help in more blood flow to the abdominal region. This can be very effective in improving digestion as it stimulates the stomach.
  6. Strengthens muscles: Surya Namaskar postures involve arms, legs, core, and back muscle groups which helps in developing the body.

Surya Namaska Do’s and Don’ts: Doing it right is the key!

Like any Yoga Asana, if not done right, it can cause more harm than good. Here are a few things one must keep in mind to ensure they derive maximum benefits from this exercise.

Perform Surya Namaskar under morning sun out in the open

Surya Namaskar is often practiced as a warm-up to a workout session or as standalone, but it can also be part of a longer yoga session. The most commonly attributed health benefits of Surya Namaskar are believed to be the increased flexibility and strength, improved digestion, and reduced stress and anxiety.

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