June 18, 2024
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

5 Easy Workout Exercises To Burn Belly Fat Quickly At Home

Incorporating physical exercise in your weight loss routine is a great way to get rid of unwanted belly fat. Scroll down to know more.

There are numerous ways that promise to lose weight within a short period of time. But not everything works for everyone. A healthy lifestyle combined with healthy eating habits, sleeping schedules, and workout routines, all together constitute a healthy weight loss plan. There are many exercises out there for banishing belly fat. Incorporating physical exercise in your weight loss routine is a great way to get rid of unwanted belly fat. Here are some easy-to-perform and effective exercises to include in your regimen for weight loss.

Easy Workout Exercises To Burn Belly Fat Quickly

1. Swimming

Swimming isn’t just a great way to beat the heat but also beneficial to lose those extra kilos. Swimming helps in burning a lot of calories which further helps in burning belly fat and managing your weight. This requires you to do at least 15-20 swimming at a time, which increases muscle tone and reduces belly fat.

2. Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal exercises are effective to reduce belly fat as it sticks to the waistline and stomach region. According to WebMD, abdominal exercises can help to tone and flatten the stomach while providing you with a good source of exercise. Some common abdominal exercises include 60-second planks, bicycle crunches, leg lifts, and abdominal crunches.

3. Weight And Resistance Training

Weight training is an important component to burn belly fat. Since muscles burn off more calories than fat does when the body is at rest, having more muscle tone can help you to burn off more fat, states WebMD. It is an excellent way to build muscle mass and tone your body. These exercises include moving your body parts against some resistance.

4. Flutter Kicks

Flutter kicks are exercises that target the lower abs, glutes and thighs. They mainly target the lower abdominal wall and are effective to lose belly fat. According to Healthline, they mimic a swimming stroke but are performed on dry land. You can perform them lying on your back, or, if you want to also strengthen your back muscles, you can do them lying on your stomach.

5. Mountain Climbers

They are dynamic and compound forms of exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at once to improve balance, and coordination and aid weight loss. Mountain climbers are the exercises that engage with the entire core and burn belly fat.

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