October 22, 2024
9963 Santa Monica Blvd. #1446 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

4 tips for classroom and home hygiene in a post-COVID era

The COVID quarantine era seems like a nightmare out of a book that we want to keep closed. As we emerge from one era and enter the next, schools and businesses of all types have become more lenient, and most are even going back to normal events and gatherings.

As health care experts warn of the “tripledemic” possibilities this winter, how do we keep our children safe and healthy this time of year? Here are four useful tips from a mom and teacher point of view.

Watch for signs of your child not being “themselves.” Oftentimes, kids give us warning signs that we ignore: We send them to school and get called to pick them up soon after. If your child is normally excited about school, but wakes up lethargic and complaining of aches, there might be something there. Educators: If you see a child in class that just seems off, send them to the nurse to get checked out. It is always best to be safe especially during flu and cold season.

Encourage hand washing. As soon as your child gets home from school, have them wash and sanitize their hands. Encourage hand washing throughout the day too! Educators: Set up hand sanitizer stations throughout the classroom especially in areas with heavy traffic like the pencil sharpener spot, where the tissues are kept, etc.

Teach coughing etiquette. It is best to not assume that our kids and/or students know coughing etiquette. It only takes a few minutes to review and can help keep germs from spreading around the classroom or at home. Parents and teachers alike: It is a quick lesson that may help germs from spreading!

Stock up on supplies. Keep a basket ready with tissues, cough drops, masks, etc. Educators: Allow more water breaks, and if possible, allow students to have their water by their seats.

Together, we can beat this tough cold and flu season!

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